CAL Online Services for Students 

Welcome to the Centre's online services for students.

You can use this system to:

* Book a test, midterm exam or quiz (deadline is 7 days before the class test date)
* Book a final exam (deadline is Thursday, March 28 for the Spring 2025 term)
* Check your upcoming scheduled appointments, tests and exams

Please choose an option from the menu above to get started.

If you are not already logged in, you will be asked to do so using your SFU Computing ID and password.

Important update for Spring 2025 exams at CAL:

Most tests and exams will occur at the same time as the class, with a few exceptions, as follows:

  • For any in-person test that begins at 5:30 pm or later, you will usually start at the Centre at 5:30 pm. Changes to a later start time than 5:30 pm can be considered but must be discussed and approved by your DAA in advance.
  • For any in-person final exam scheduled for 7 pm, you will generally start at the Centre at 5:30 p.m.